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Closed for Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

Library Services


We are so much more than books.

With a Frank Sarris Library Card, you have access to over 54,000 physical print materials, digital books, digital movies, over 2,400 DVDs, online resources, a Launchpad collection, kits for infants through elementary-aged children, free programming, and so much more. Contact us to learn what other materials and resources we have to offer.


Computers with high-speed Internet access are on the 1st floor for adult use. Self-registration is available with your WAGGIN Library card. Children under 17 must have a library card and parental permission in their online registration record to use the computers located in the Young Adult Department.

You must be in good standing as a library patron to use the library computers. Visitors may use the library computers as a guest twice. After that, they may obtain a library card to continue using the library computers.

When all computers on a floor are in use, and someone is waiting for a computer, there is a one-hour time limit for computer usage. This will help to ensure equitable computer access for all library patrons and visitors. Library staff has the authority to enforce the time limit when needed.

Computer use is free, but there is a charge to print from the computer.

Internet Use Policy and Your Responsibility

The internet is to be used for accessing material in the realm of information generally provided by the library. The internet may contain defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, racially-offensive, or illegal material and the library equipment should never be used to access said material. Accessing such material may violate the PA Criminal Code at 18 Pa. CSA, Paragraph 5903.

It is illegal to tamper with computer hardware or software, make unauthorized entries into other computers, vandalize or destroy computer files, save material to the hard drive or desktop, or alter the configuration of library equipment. Patrons who do so are liable for the cost of professional repairs and may face criminal charges.

Any violation of the Internet Policy will result in the loss of computer and Internet privileges.

Wireless Internet Access

Free Wi-Fi is available inside our building under Frank Sarris Library Public Wifi and in our Murdock Street parking lot as HomeworkHub. No password is required.

Printing, Copy Machine, and Faxing

Printing from library computers is available. We also have a copy and fax machine. See the costs outlined below.

Material Type Fee
* Copier (per page) B/W: $.25 | Color: $.50
* Computer prints (per page) B/W: $.25 | Color: $.50
Send a fax within the United States $1.00 per page
Receive a fax $.25 per page
*double sided costs $.50 per page