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Patron Behaviour Policy

Frank Sarris Library Patron Behavior Policy

The Frank Sarris Public Library aims to provide all patrons with a safe, orderly, and comfortable library environment. To that end, specific standards of behavior have been established. To maintain this environment, the staff of Frank Sarris Public Library is authorized to exercise judgment regarding both individual and group behavior. Patrons who enter the Frank Sarris Public Library assume the responsibility to act courteously toward all other patrons and Library staff, act respectfully concerning public property, and follow the library facility's rules. 

The Library reserves the right to expel any individual(s) whose behavior is disruptive or whose actions interfere with the use of the Library by others. Patrons who do not follow these rules may be asked to leave the Library. In turn, their Library privileges may be suspended temporarily or permanently. If needed, on-site and/or appropriate law enforcement authorities will be promptly notified.

Patron Behavior Standards

  • Practice respect and civility when dealing with fellow patrons and staff.
  • Speak in a tone and volume level, assuring that other patrons and staff are not disrupted.
  • Refrain from coarse or vulgar language.
  • Maintain an acceptable standard of personal hygiene. Wear shirts and shoes at all times.
  • Supervise the behavior of your children.
  • Use the computer for the amount of time permitted by your registration. Request additional time at the desk.
  • Abstain from using all tobacco products and illegal drugs inside and outside library property.

To provide a safe and comfortable library environment, the following are NOT permitted.

  • Destruction or theft of library materials or property
  • Consumption of food or beverages except in the appropriate specified area
  • Possession of weapons
  • Solicitation of any type
  • Sleeping inside or outside on library property
  • Demonstration of aggressive behavior and/or public display of excessive affection

Please enjoy the library, and please allow all others the same opportunity.