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Board and Staff

Library Board of Trustees

The Library Board of Trustees is made up of seven representatives of Canonsburg Borough, Cecil Township, North Strabane Township and the Canon-McMillan School District who are selected by those governing bodies as well as two at large members that are chosen by the board itself. The Library Board of Trustees assists in setting library policies, works with the Library Director to prepare the annual budget and oversee the expenditure of funds, and appoints a Library Director.

Meetings are held six times a year in January, March, May, August, October and December on the second Tuesday of those months at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room at the library. The public is welcome to attend.

Executive Committee:

  • Mrs. Marsha Blanco - Chair
  • Mr. Dennis Ceccarelli - Vice-Chair
  • Mrs. Andrea Raymer - Secretary
  • Mrs. Cynthia Short - Treasurer

Canon-McMillan School District Representatives:

  • Mrs. Kathy Gregorakis
  • Mrs. Dorothy Milovac

Canonsburg Representative:

Cecil Representatives:

  • Mrs. Andrea Raymer
  • Mrs. Sandy Belfiore

North Strabane Representatives:

  • Mrs. Jenifer Colgan-Fetcko
  • Mrs. Melanie Trainum

Library Staff Directory